Wednesday 3 June 2015

Why frosting and icing sheets are important for cake bakers

Cake baking is an art, if you do it the right way then the winning cup is yours but if by chance it goes wrong, all your hard work will go in vain. It is a popular belief that what looks good feels great. If a cake looks good, you'll be the talk of the town much before the tasting. Appearance and decorating the cake does matters as nobody will eat a piece of cake without having a look at it. And here comes the player- frosting and icing sheets for decorating the cakes.

For cake bakers these icing sheets work wonders as these are vibrant and innovative in terms of design and you can eat them as well. Yes, the vibrant looking designer frosting and icing sheets on cakes are edible, which has made them a very value for money and uniquely creative decorative technique. These sheets are basically a layer of icing bonded with ganache, fondant, royal icing and butter-cream. You can purchase these frosting and icing sheets pre-printed from shops in market. You can customise the sheets with your own design too, for example if it is for your partner's birthday; you can get his/ her photo printed on it. Aren’t these a cool option and a big saviour for cake bakers?

Previously, cake bakers spent a hell lot of time in frosting and icing the cake and sometimes it went wrong as well. But now they can totally focus on their baking part without thinking much for the icing part. Choose from the numerous options and you are sorted.

One more advantage of these sheets is, they are edible, often it was observed that when bakers used to decorate the cakes with inedible stuff, for kids and toddlers it was a huge risk. These edible frosting and icing sheets are basically edible white sheets that can be consumed and which is totally safe for your stomach. These icing sheets are made up of sugar and fondant carefully blended and pressed into sheets. So, not only they are safe to consume for any age group but they are extremely attractive as well.

These frosting and icing sheets are very flexible and provide an easy-peel backing advantage, so you need to worry about that part as well. The sheets stand up in all climates and are an actual icing layer that bonds with the icing on the cake. Beauty with proper utilisation, these sheets make cake bakers stress-free for almost all directions.  

Adding cherry on the cake, these sheets can be applied to a lot of other bakery varieties starting from chocolate, cookies to cupcakes and pastries. Ink 4 Cakes offer you with best of icing and frosting sheets. Ink 4 Cakes Icing Sheets are made from fondant & sugar that taste great especially their Supreme Icing Sheets. Their sheets last up to 12 months, so you can store them as well. So, attention all cake bakers, go for Ink4Cakes frosting and icing sheets and make your baking art talk for itself.

Get more information about frosting and icing sheets, visit our official website:

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Epson Edible Printer: The best option to make your cake customized

Edible printers are very useful innovation for food and bakery industry. Whether you are into confectionary business or simply you like to bake and prepare amazing cakes and cockles at your home for your near and dear ones, then you must gain knowledge about good quality edible printers. Almost all brands manufacturing edible printers are competing with each other to reach maximum customers. As people love customized and well decorated cakes, the demand for good quality edible printers are growing at a rapid space. Now it is up to you to choose the most useful one amongst those brands to work with.

Why use Epson edible printers to customize your cake: 
Epson is already a well known name in the world of printers. They are making and marketing edible printers for a long time name and have become one of the trusted names amongst the buyers. Epson edible printers are uses high quality and updated version of technology which enables you to customize cake with perfect and clear images. The best part is that you need not be a tech buff to use one of these Epson edible printers. They are simple to use and you can easily understand how they work. This is always advisable to grab the edible printer from the most trusted outlet and of most trusted brand. If you do not adhere to this advice then there is a chance that you confront many problems, especially you will not like a badly printed image over your cake.

How to customize your cake with the help of an Epson edible printer:  
Edible printer technology is a well known one now and almost all people have little bit idea about how it works. There are few basic ingredients to create edible images and provide your cake the final touch of your love for your loved ones. Edible printers, edible ink, and frosting sheets are the basic and fundamental ingredients to help you out with preparation of a beautiful customized cake. An Epson printer can create a bright and clear image with the help of a fine quality edible ink over the frosting sheet. You just need to choose the image which you would like place as the icing over your cake and Epson printers can print exactly the same one. If you don’t have an image in mind then you can get many customized image ideas and templates over the internet which you can directly use to print over your cake.

How to buy the best Epson edible printer: 
To buy an Epson edible printer you should only stick to a trusted expert resource to ensure a smart buy. With online presence for every expert and well known outlet, it has become very easy to make a purchase now a day. You can easily go online and search for with the model number of your desired Epson edible printer and then compare the prices to finalize your purchase.

So if you want to surprise every one with a customized printed cake in near future the you must buy an Epson edible printer.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Frosting Sheet: For Adding Beautiful Creative Designs on Cakes

Frosting sheets are also known as icing sheets; using them you can make vibrant designs on a cake. These are edible icing sheets that are very easy to use and can be proved very effective for  decorating a cake. These edible frosting sheets are printed and prepared using ingredients such as butter cream, ganache, royal icing and fondant. You can get the sheets in two types: first the pre-printed sheets and secondly, customised sheets on which you can get design of your choice or a picture.

For adding beautiful creative designs on cakes using icing sheets, you can follow the below mentioned steps:
  • Step 1: Being your cake designing with a cake which has been iced using fondant.
  • Step 2: For applying the beautiful frosting sheets on the cake, you need to have a small pair of sharp scissors. Now cut the design of your choice. Before you cut, just peel away the plastic sheet on the edible icing sheet; it will be make easier for you to cut out the design.
  • Step 3: Instead of a scissor, you can also use a ruler to cut the sheet. Cut straight edges to give finesse to your design. 
  • Step 4: The cakes are used iced with butter cream, it is a soft icing and acts like a glue. It makes it easier for you to paste the icing sheet on the cake. Otherwise you can use another edible adhesive like butter to apply the frosting sheet.
  • Step 5: Put the sheet on the fondant, use your fingers to press it slightly so that it can be nicely pasted on the cake. But before you do the final pressing, must check that your design is accurately cut and in synchronisation. A poorly done design will make your cake look messy, not the perfect delicious one.
Frosting sheets are available in various sizes and comes in a pack. They make your cake's value go up within a few minutes of designing. Also these sheets can be used on cookies, cupcakes, donuts and desserts. In comparison to other edible sheets such as potato paper and rice cake paper, frosting sheets can be easily cut in various designs. Even you can cut them into small designs for doing your toddler's first birthday cake!
For photo cake icing sheets, you can buy them in the size of A3, A4 and A5 sheets. They can be stored for a long period of time as long as 12 months after the date of manufacturing. But they must be stored in a cool and dry place.  

More advantages of icing sheets include:
  • stay soft and flexible even if you spray cream on them
  • they are better at holding colour; there is no issue of running colour
  • they make a crisp and clear design thus a picture is well-defined

These Frosting Edible sheets are also available online in plethora of designs. Choose one as per the flavour of your cake!